Ask Glenn

I’d love to feature your question in a future episode of Write With Impact.

Is there a writing-related problem you’re struggling with? Are you trying to figure out how to attract more readers? Are you wondering what to do about your marketing approach?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Simply pick one of the two ways to get in contact with me…

#1. Leave a SpeakPipe question

Since this is a podcast, I’d prefer you to call in with a question. Simply go to this page and do three things:

  1. Provide your name (optional)
  2. Plug your website, book or social media handle (optional)
  3. Leave a brief (30 seconds or less) question about writing, blogging, or book publishing/marketing

#2. Email a question

Some people feel shy or uncomfortable with recording audio. No worries. You can also write to me directly and ask a question:

Similar rules apply:

  1. Provide your name (optional)
  2. Plug your website, book or social media handle (optional)
  3. Write a brief (no more than five sentences) question about writing, blogging or book publishing/marketing

That’s all you have to do! I’ll do my best to answer it within the next few weeks.

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